A New Photo Reveals the Inside of Darren Aronofsky's Noah's Arc!

A new behind-the-scenes image from Darren Aronofsky's Noah has emerged online. The photo comes via cinematographer Matthew Libatique's twitter feed where he adds "Pre lighting on the holiest day of the year". The shot features snakes & an alligator aboard the famous ark. The story of the movie follows the biblical tale of a man who is given the mission to build a giant vessel that can house two of every animal from the earth to save them from a giant flood that will wipe all life off the earth for a new beginning. The movie stars Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Saoirse Ronan, Douglas Booth, Logan Lerman, Emma Watson, Ray Winstone, Anthony Hopkins, Kevin Durand & Mark Margolis. Noah hits theaters March 28th 2014.

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