Monster Pictures Release the First Teaser Trailer for 'THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE 2: FULL SEQUENCE'!

A trailer has been released for Tom Six's The Human Centipede: Full Sequence. The film is a sequel to the directors 2009 effort The Human Centipede. The film that focused on Dr. Heiter, a world-renowned expert at separating conjoined twins who dreams of making new creatures that share a single digestive system who then proceeds to surgically connect his three victims mouth-to-anus. The sequel is set to hit theaters on October 7th in the US, unfortunately those squares in the UK who are running things have still banned the picture there, the BBFC recently released their reasons for the ban, specifically referring to scenes that show a man wrapping barbed wire around his penis & raping a woman at the rear of the "centipede." Do these guys understand postmodernism? Don't worry the film has a narritive & that focuses on a man who becomes sexually obsessed with a DVD recording of the first "Human Centipede" & ultimately puts the "centipede" idea into practice. Six stated earlier that he is planning a trilogy & the sequel will make the first film look like "My Little Pony" & the third installment titled Human Centipede: Final Sequence, will make the second movie look like a "Disney film." Probably better than most Disney films I have seen recently. Hit the jump to check out the Australian teaser which comes via Twitch [via /Film].

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